P.E.A.C.E. – Master Harold ...and the Boys
Die Regieklasse der ZHdK bespielt die Chorgasse
Written by Athol Fugard
The play recounts the long, rainy afternoon that Hally ("Master Harold") spends with Sam and Willie, two middle-aged African servants of his parent's household. Sam and Willie have cared for seventeen year old Hally his whole life in the absence of his alcoholic father. But the Apartheid context in which they live in makes the relationship between the two "black" men and the " white" boy complicated. Apartheid was the South African race policy that separated black and white citizens and remains a terrible stain on the country's history. It began in 1948 and ended in 1994 resulting in terrible violence, persecution, and suffering.
Vorstellung in Englisch
Mit: Lion Baumann, Thokozani Kapiri, Timo Kählert
Regie: Thokozani Kapiri
Dauer: 45 Minuten
Vorstellungen am:
Sa 12. Mrz., 18.00 Uhr /
Sa 19. Mrz., 19.00 Uhr