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Hottinger Literature talks with Adolf Muschg

Moderation: Charles Linsmayer

Adolf Muschg

Adolf Muschg

Foto: Yvonne Böhler

Picture: Yvonne Böhler

The Hottinger literature talks and the Zurich Literary Club follow the tradition of the legendary Hottingen reader circle, active between 1882 and 1983 in Hottingen, which helped to establish the status of this district of Zurich as a vibrant literary center.

The talk series – which first ran under the name «Bei Charles Linsmayer zu Gast im Europa» at the restaurant Europa in the Englischviertelstrasse, and later in the renowned congregation house Römerhof – will take place starting September 2014 at the Theater Neumarkt. The Hottinger Literaturgespräche have a jour fixe at their new home, every last Monday of the month.


Upcoming guests at the talks include:
24 November, Erica Pedretti

This Hottinger literature talk takes place in cooperation with the literature festival «Zürich liest».

More information: www.zuerich-liest.ch.


TICKETS for the events:
Fri 24. Oct., 20.00 h