Der Mensch erscheint im Holozän
By Max Frisch
New studies on the topic of time, and the reason why it seem to move faster as we grow older, have reached following hypothesis: «The brain is central to the perception of time – the more events we can remember, the longer it seems to stretch. That’s why the first days of a vacation appear to move so slowly, while the last ones go fast: in the beginning, one has to process arrival, explore the new surrounding and unfamiliar experiences abound. Everything is new. After a few days, however, habits and behavior patterns materialize, like shopping in the same stores, taking the same way to the beach. And all of a sudden, the vacation is over.» (Spiegel)
Besides a stay in the mountains – in Valle Maggio, cut off after a storm – «Man in the Holocene» describes man’s relation to time. Or better, the relation of a specific man to time, namely Mr. Geiser of Basel, whose brain starts to fail him. He carries out his constant struggle with his surrounding and reflects on himself, pitilessly. While everyday things slip from his mind, his gaze expands to ever new horizons. Descriptions of rocks lead to reflections of geological dimensions, to dinosaurs, the deluge, and all the way back to the beginning of mankind. Nothing but collected notes and quotes, a world he is trying to hold on to, a cosmos from which he will soon vanish. Mr. Geiser’s final escape attempt ends however not in his death but rather brings him back to square one.
Einrichtung: Ralf Fiedler
Raum: Léonie Süess
Einmalige Effekte und Personal Coaching: Andreas Bögli
With: Martin Butzke
Premiere: Fri 17. October, 20.30 Uhr, Chorgasse
Duration: 1 Stunde 23 Minuten
TICKETS for the events:
Thu 02. Oct., 20.30 h /
Fri 17. Oct., 20.30 h /
Mon 17. Nov., 20.30 h /
Tue 09. Dec., 20.30 h