Archipel Google
Big Dada Revue
Whether or not Google is God, it is big. Big, big Data. Under our noses the friendly data-monster generates an architecture of personalized landscape and produces for us, finally, the best of all worlds. We know what we want and therefore we get what we are looking for. But who are we really while being watched by Google? And can we really see better through the Google-glasses?
It is time for a subversive staff-outing to visit some firms, on site.
The Berlin based collective andcompany&Co, known best for their associative theater events with a Dada-flavor, make a virtual trip to Google-Zurich (also called "The real Mountain view" by the googlers of Zurich aka "the Zooglers"). Disguised as Data protectors they act as information hunters, search the dark alleys of the web: looking for disloyal Zoogglers, digital trash, lost knowledge and powerful information-gardeners. The military origins of the internet should also not be concealed. Andcompany&Co. have decided to disarm themselves: low tech, slow tech, no tech. They use the theater for that purpose, it is after all one of the world's oldest search machine. They also feed Google with new own material, because even Google is what it eats. He who seeks, can be assisted, but he who doesn't, can still be found.
Concept and staging: andcompany&Co. – Alexander Karschnia, Nicola Nord, Sascha Sulimma
With: Nicola Nord, Maximilian Kraus, Yanna Rüger, Sascha Sulimma
Stage & Costume design: Moritz Müller
Dramatising: Fadrina Arpagaus
Premiere: Thu 07. May, 20.00 Uhr, Saal
TICKETS for the events:
Thu 07. May., 20.00 h /
Fri 08. May., 20.00 h /
Fri 22. May., 20.00 h /
Sat 23. May., 20.00 h /
Tue 26. May., 20.00 h /
Wed 27. May., 20.00 h /
Tue 02. Jun., 00.00 h /
Sat 06. Jun., 20.00 h /
Mon 08. Jun., 20.00 h /
Sat 27. Jun., 20.00 h