Ohr im Neumarkt Konzert Nr. 5
Trio Ziegele-Theiler-Hemingway
«LISTEN TO THE POET» – that's the new theme of trouble-making duo Yves Theiler and Omri Ziegele, whose musical explorations incite ventures into far-off, untrodden realms. They are joined for the first time by the still young «old master» Gerry Hemingway, who's played drums for Anthony Braxton, amongst other projects he's gotten under his belt since – on either side of the pond. Like the duo, his style is driven by an insatiable passion for music ethnology, incorporating both sweat-inducing African beats as well as long-winded improvisational sections. It's no wonder that he's the ideal addition to the duo, who's long established their own path in the jungle that is the Swiss jazz scene.
Omri Ziegele, Alt-saxophon, Vocals
Yves Theiler, Piano
Gerry Hemingway, Drums
TICKETS for the events:
Sun 22. Feb., 20.00 h