Tafel: «Wahrheit oder Pflicht»
Theater Neumarkt & Dinghy in collaboration with DAS MAGAZIN

A large dining table with the people of the city, short toasts and long discussions around the table until the small hours of the night: inspired by the Greek Symposium, a gathering around food and drink, the Theater Neumarkt hosts a monthly «Tafel» —a festive dinner – each time at a different restaurant. Patrons and theater goers meet old and new friends around the table, an evening complete with clanking glasses, glittering dishes, fine conversations and, sometimes, big words. The evening includes a three-course menu, and entertainment will be provided by the Theater Neumarkt ensemble and invited speakers at the table.
«Truth or Dare» is the theme of our December dinner. A lot of lies are being told at Theater Neumarkt this fall. After all, «lying» is our thematic focus until the end of this year.
There are thousands of ways to evade the truth, but isn’t it interesting to just go ahead and tell it with all honesty sometimes? What is the beauty of telling the truth? What’s the allure, the attraction? How does it feel when a tower built on lies falls apart, like a house of cards? «That’s also not entirely true» – we’d often say. But what is it then – «entirely true»? When does it happen, and can it be produced, and subsequently contained?
Reservations nessecary before November 26, 2014 at 044 267 64 11 or info@theaterneumarkt.ch.
Tischworte: Sabine Boss, Georg Kohler, Constantin Seibt, Barbara Terpoorten u.a.
TICKETS for the events:
Mon 01. Dec., 20.00 h